

Apotheosis is the title of a soundscape I designed for playback during an exhibition of Boz Deseo Garden’s Cimiteria at Petrine in Paris, France.

“Cimiteria is a brief treatise on the lingering dynamics of racial slavery, its libidinal character, it’s material economies of weight distribution, stabilization, burial, radar imagery/surveillance, waste, and desire. It is a return to a language for thinking how contradiction is replaced by consensus. Foreclosure becomes satisfaction. The social’s demand for a corrective is not a repudiation of death (Blackness) but the ongoing demand for its negative presence. Civil society is in agreement about what to do with Blackness and what Blackness ought to do 𝑓𝑜𝑟 it. The cemetery is above as it is below. As my dear friend TJ Shin remarks, there is a symmetry to the cemetery. Blackness is immanent as much as it is invented.”

Read about the full work here.